Why Chanson

    1. We are the product manufacturer and not a parts assembler like many of our competitors. We have the ISO 9001 certification and will soon have the ISO 14001, we are CE certified and will soon have a UL listing. We have multiple awards and certificates including the coveted Good Design award. We have a NSF certification on our filters and we are proud members of the Water Quality Association.
    2. Our advanced circuitry and electronics not only provide some of the most powerful ionizers on the market but also the most compact and space saving, our counter top models are up to 60% smaller than our competitors with the same and often times better performance.
    3. We possess a number of patents including our “Nano coating” process which provides an extremely dense and conductive electrode surface which creates superior ionization.
    4. We test 100% of our ionizers before shipping to insure the highest customer satisfaction and lowest defect rates.
    5. We provide a full line of advanced alkaline water ionizerswater filtersfilter replacements and cartridges to meet your families’ water, ionization and purification needs.
    6. We provide extensive training, education and product knowledge to our dealers on all our water ionizing products. Therefore, dealers can provide installation and exceptional customer service.Our dealers are the most knowledgeable in the industry and can answer any questions you may have, regarding installation, technical support, and general knowledge. We believe in providing the best customer service possible so you can be sure once you purchase a Chanson Water® Ionizer you have the best in the industry are just a phone call away.
    7. We have  a price protection policy (we try to stay below market rate on all of our products) to insure our customers get the best prices and our dealers are protected from unfair practices.
    8. We have the best Lifetime Warranty in the industry, “full” parts and labor on most of our ionizers! for the first 5 years and lifetime parts.


We are a company of ethics and integrity and will never sacrifice quality for profits.

We look forward to and welcome your feedback on all of our products

ISO 9001 certificate shown, is for our manufacturing plant in Taiwan.

Chanson Water is ISO 9001 Certified